
Health & Safety Consultancy

We undertake Safety Audits/Inspections at client's premises with a summary given to the client regarding Health & Safety matters in the workplace in the following areas;
  • Preparation of Safety Statements in accordance with current Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Legislation.
  • Preparation of Risk Improvement Reports following Audit to bring your facility / Site to an acceptable standard.
  • Our Consultants/Surveyors are all experienced in undertaking Risk Control/Safety Hazard Audits and have experience in a vast amount of areas including Industrial, Commercial Retail and Construction Sectors.
Our Consultants have undertaken the MIOSH approved Health & Safety at Work Courses or equivalent. It includes the following modules;
  • Safety and Health Legislation
  • Risk Management & Safety Technology
  • Occupational Health and Safety promotion
  • Chemical Safety and Toxicology
  • Occupational Hygiene
  • Ergonomics & Behavioural Science
  • Emergency Planning & Electricity
  • Epidemiology & Statistics

Composite Risk Control Surveys for Insurance Purposes

Usually requested by Insurers Insurance Company Underwriter (Irish, UK and Pan European) as Policy Inception or Renewal or Insurance Brokers for new Business or submission purposes.
  • We cater for a wide spectrum of all businesses including all trades (e.g. Woodworking, construction, clothing, engineering, retail, leisure/entertainment facilities, etc).
  • Direct communications with Underwriters requesting surveys prior to and following individual site visits.
  • Preparation of full Fire/Special Perils reports to include all standard headings including details on Construction Processes, Fire Protection and Premises Security in compliance with standard Codes of Practice/Legislation etc.
  • Liability reports include full Assessments of the workplace in terms of Health & Safety and an indication as to its compliance with various legislative requirements / standards.
  • All appointments are undertaken by phone or email on receipt of request by our office staff with Brokers/Clients.
  • Site Inspections are undertaken with clients present.
  • A discussion of Risk Improvements with clients, Brokers and Underwriters as required.
  • Preparation of detailed Qualitative and Quantitative site specific based typed reports, plans and digital photographs together with any Risk Improvements.
  • Furnishing of Progress reports to Underwriters regarding surveys.
  • We undertake pre-cover Insurance Survey's directly for clients prior to Insurers quoting on the risk i.e One of our surveyors will visit a facility and issue recommendations to bring the facility to a high standard prior to Insurers quoting on same.
Fees available on request.

Other Services

We have a well-qualified team with the ability to improve your Occupational Safety and Health programme, reduce accidents, train your supervisory staff and motivate your employees.
In addition we offer the following services;
  • Health and Safety Advice
  • Safety Statement Preparation
  • Health & Safety Audits
  • Health & Safety Programmes
  • We cater for all sectors of Industry, Commercial, Retail and Construction sectors
  • We also advise on specific Health and Safety areas including Noise, Manual Handling and  Lifting, Forklift truck usage and Personal Protective Equipment
The process will involve an Initial Risk Assessment of all activities in which your company is involved followed by the preparation of a full Hazard Analysis/Risk Assessment.
On completion we prepare Safety Statements in module form written specifically for your operation in accordance with current Safety, Health and Welfare Legislation.
In relation to the Construction Sector we undertake regular site inspections and prepare the following in accordance with the current Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Construction Regulations;
  • Full Qualitative and Quantitative Audit reports
  • Advice on all statutory / Compliance forms
  • Company Safety Plans and Statements
  • Construction Stage Plans
  • Safety Files
  • Method Statements
We quote on a retained consultancy basis for all construction firms. All our work involves site visits/site inspections and is followed by site specific reports.